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четверг, 10 сентября 2015 г.

The plastic death grip: the case against bisphenol-a

Joseph Magallanes

With today’s fast paced style in the work place and home living, it’s no wonder that people take things for granted more than they should.  Thanks to the creation and mass production of plastics, it almost seems impossible to escape a lifestyle so saturated with it.  But are people taking for granted the convenience for consumer objects like metal cans and plastic bottles too lightly?  Most items - such as canned goods and plastic containers - are made with a dangerous chemical called Bisphenol-A (BPA), which is poisoning millions of people every day.  According to a Fox 5 News video featured on YouTube, tiled, “Bisphenol A (BPA) Contaminating Our Food”, Dr. Frederick Vom Saal of the University of Missouri, stated, “this is a chemical that, the people who put into plastic, we’re insane” (n. pag.). Is it possible for organizations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the American Chemistry Council (ACC) to be turning a blind-eye to the dangers of BPA?  The evidence that BPA is severely dangerous and poisoning people is strong, but for some reason it’s not outlawed in America.  If the people of this country are to flourish and live healthy lifestyles, then the time to ban chemicals like BPA from consumer products is now.
The current dilemma that people are dealing with is that they come into contact with many products which contain the dangerous substance known as BPA.  Dr. Saal continued in the video, saying, “this is a chemical that, in 1936, was considered for use as an estrogen drug.  Then in the 1950’s, some tricky chemist found that they could link this chemical together and it creates a hard, clear, glass-like plastic” (n. pag.).  But why is BPA still used in the production of so many things?  Is there no way to make all of the same products with something safer and less toxic than BPA?  Apparently, it is necessary in order to manufacture polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins.  The chemical is what gives the plastics a “tough” durable strength and also helps protect the linings for cans.  However, the downside to this, is that when heated or when in contact with specific foods (sometimes ones containing higher acidic levels), many containers leach out the BPA into the food.  Once the BPA is in the food, there is no way of removing it.   
Sadly, many people are unaware of the occurrence.  Though several countries like Canada, Denmark and France have already banned BPA, the United States has yet to follow the changes on the matter. In fact, the FDA, EPA and ACC have long denied any serious hazards associated with BPA.  Some theorists believe it to be a conspiracy, that the top, rich and most influential people of this country want mass sterilization and population control.  It is however, difficult to deny such paranoia when strong evidence leans towards it.  In 1996, former President Clinton had signed the Food Quality Protection Act and within the same year, the Safe Drinking Act was amended.  The point of the legislation was to ensure that the EPA tested at least 15,000 different chemicals for endocrine disrupters (chemicals that disrupt the hormone system).  The EPA had even set a deadline for itself in 1998, purely to fast-track the testing.  However, a KCET sponsored video from YouTube, titled, “Bisphenol A, Food Containers, Effects on Humans, Govt. Regs”, claimed that in 1999, the EPA “missed” the deadline and that the Natural Resources Defense Council “sued the agency to enforce screening” (n. pag.).  Despite being sued two more separate times in 2003, the EPA had again failed to follow the legislature set forth by Clinton.  Further in the video, it was reported that, “in 2007, eleven years after the laws were passed, the EPA had yet to screen its first chemical” (n. pag.).  It is astonishing that such mistakes have been made and so little has been done to stop a deadly toxin, or a group of people with so little concern for human life.
Considering the fact that other parts of the world are banning BPA should be raising “more eyebrows.”  But instead, groups like the FDA and EPA, continue to advise the leaders of this country and its citizens to essentially “go with the flow.” The Center for Disease Control (CDC), claimed in an ABC News video posted on YouTube, titled, “ABC News Report on the Dangers of Bisphenol A”, that it, “found BPA in the urine of 95 percent of people tested” (n. pag.).  With a number as high as this, it’s no wonder that a major world power, such as America, is plagued with so much disease.  To make matters worse, Dr. Saal noted in the above Fox 5 News video, “there are 700 published scientific studies about the health effects of bisphenol-a that the FDA has never gotten around to looking at” (n. pag.).  Well, what could be more important for the FDA than to investigate the possible hazards affecting so many people?  In a VBS.TV online video, titled, “We’re poisoned!  How plastics are keeping us fat!”, Dr. Saal listed several side effects of exposure to BPA, to include: “brain damage, ADHD (Adult Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), abnormal male reproductive systems, chromosomal damage in a female’s ovarian eggs, miscarriages and obesity.” He went on to say, “In Japan, where women with elevated levels of bisphenol-a were the women who were repeatedly miscarrying, never able to have a successful pregnancy.  And so the animal data and the human data are identical” (n. pag.).  So, despite actual hard evidence, not just Americans, but most of the entire world are repeatedly ingesting these horrible chemicals. 
But with so little support from the government and so many toxic chemicals surrounding everyone, how are people supposed to live in a BPA-free lifestyle?  Some solutions to fighting the chemical are easier to do than many would think.  While having BPA fully banned in all consumer products should be a priority, making efforts in not buying canned items or plastic containers known to have BPA, limiting the microwaving of any plastics and informing others of the dangers from BPA are the best approaches to the problem.  Thankfully some politicians have come to the realization that the chemical is a deadly substance that has no place in America.  In a CSPAN-2 video posted online, titled, “Dianne Feinstein on BPA toxin part 1 / 2”, the Senator had announced, “it became clear that the American Chemistry Council has blocked and obstructed this agreement from being added to the Food Safety Bill … I regret that the chemical lobby puts a higher priority on selling chemicals then on health of infants” (n. pag.). Her presentation to high levels of the government, to include the President, was an attempt to help convince more people about the dangers of BPA.  Though the ACC and the FDA had blindsided Senator Feinstein from presenting actual legislation for the removal of BPA, it showed that change can happen.  It showed that solutions are possible, which continues to give hope to all of those who know about the hazards “leaching out” in our everyday lives.
The American population has been suffering long enough.  It is imperative that BPA become banned in America, just as it has in other parts of the world.  The chemical has been linked to several health problems, including obesity, cancers, premature puberty, ADHD, destruction to reproductive systems and miscarriages.  Though, much of United States lives in a fast-paced styled world that is consumed with products of convenience, people need to be cognizant of what is in their food and beverages.  Waiting on untrustworthy government agencies for the answers will only be in vain.  Even though the FDA, EPA and ACC have claimed that BPA isn’t harmful, why should anyone take the risk?  The battles against BPA from some authorities, like doctors and politicians, have become noticed by several people.  Instead of doing nothing, the average citizen can take over the reigns and act in self-preservation.  Some of the best solutions for the everyday people are: First, avoid buying canned goods and plastic containers known to have BPA.  Secondly, avoid microwaving and or heating up any plastic containers.  Third, pass on the information about the hazards to all friends and family. In the earlier C-SPAN video, Senator Feinstein reiterated her concern that, “the evidence against BPA is mounting, and especially its harmful effects on babies and children who are still developing” (n. pag.).  Even if out-running BPA seems hopeless, the knowledge shared with people today will effectively save the people of tomorrow.

Works Cited
“ABC News Report on the Dangers of Bisphenol A.”  YouTube.  ABC News, 25 Aug. 2009.   Web.  16 Feb. 2012. 
“Bisphenol A (BPA) Contaminating Our Food.”  YouTube.  Fox 5 News, 06 Apr. 2009.  Web.   16 Feb. 2012.
“Bisphenol A, Food Containers, Effects on Humans, Govt. Regs.” YouTube.  KCET, 26 May  2008.  Web.  16 Feb. 2012.
Feinstein, Dianne.  “Dianne Feinstein on BPA toxin part 1 / 2.”  YouTube.  C-SPAN 2, 07 Mar.  2011.  Web.  16 Feb. 2012.
“We’re Poisoned!  How Plastics Are Keeping Us Fat!” YouTube.  VBS.TV, 11 Oct. 2010.  Web.   16 Feb. 2012.    

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